Modelización de la ATmósfera y RAdiación Solar

Operational Forecast

This web shows the results of an operational weather forecast for the next 3 days, which include temperature, precipitation, wind speed and solar radiation on Andalusia's surface. It is the result of a service vocation to society and popularization of the researching tasks that we develop in our group day by day. (more infomation).

Meteorological Variables

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Regions (choose a region to expand information)

almeria cadiz cordoba granada huelva jaen malaga sevilla
End of prediction


The prediction has a temporal horizon of 72 hours with an horizontal spatial resolution of 9 km and hourly outputs. The model used is the Weather Research and Forecasting version 4.5 (WRFv4.5); a new generation non-hydrostatic mesoscale numerical prediction model designed for scientific and meteorological prediction purposes. WRF is appropiate for applications in scales from tens of kilometers to tens of meters. It is a collaborative effort between the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), among others.

The prediction uses analysis provided by the web distribution system NOMADS, coordinated by National Climatic Data Center (NCDC) of the US. The analysis have a spatial resolution of 0.5 degrees (approximately 50km in our latitudes) and temporal of 3 hours. The model WRF carries out a space-temporal dinamical downscaling of the data, based on physical models to reach the final resolution.

In the maps and graphics, UTC time is used. To obtain the corresponding local time:

a) Local time = UTC time + 2, from thee last Sunday of March to the last Sunday of October.
b) Local time = UTC time + 1, for the rest of the year.

Model configuration

  1. Two nestings of 27 y 9 km in Lambert Conformal Conic proyection.
  2. 27 vertical levels
  3. 12 hours of spin-upat the start of the model for each simulation.
  4. Time of integration of 60 and 20 seconds for both two domains, respectively.
  5. The parameterizations used are:
    a) Microphysics: scheme of Thompson
    b) Radiation of long wave: RRTM
    c) Radiation of short wave: Dudhia
    d) Boundary layer: YSU
    e) Surface: Monin-Obukhov
    f) Floor: RUC (6 layers)
    g) Cumulus: Kain-Fritsch

José Antonio Ruiz Arias:

David Pozo Vázquez:


We want to express our most sincere gratitude to National Climatic Data Center (NCDC) and National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) of the US for giving public access to the data needed for the analysis, without which the prediction wouldn't be possible.